LED Lighting Retrofits

Apply For LED Retrofit Today!

Did you know that you can save as much as 85% on your energy use simply by changing your lighting? Plus, you may be eligible for additional grants and rebates to help cover the cost of your retrofit.

Besides the cost savings, there is the environmental impact of using LED lighting. LEDs not only use far less energy than conventional lighting, but unlike their incandescent and fluorescent counterparts, they are completely recyclable.

LED’s can also enhance employee productivity by providing brighter, more natural lighting which can boost mood and improve performance.

Benefits of LED Retrofitting Services for Your Office

  • Lower energy usage by as much as 85%
  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Higher quality lighting
  • Improved employee work performance by as much as 34%
  • Reduced eye strain and physical stress
  • LEDs are the best available alternative to natural lighting

LED Retrofit For Industrial Environments, Reduce Your Energy Consumption.

Benefits of LED Retrofitting Services for Industrial Environments

  • Even greater potential for energy savings due to amount of lighting often required
  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Higher quality of lighting
  • Increased employee productivity as much as 34%
  • Reduced eye strain
  • LEDs emit very little heat which makes them ideal for refrigerated or air-conditioned environments
  • Unlike fluorescent lighting, LEDs come to full brightness instantly
  • LEDs outlast other types of lighting meaning they have to be changed less often and therefore cost less over time.
  • LEDs offer better light distribution than other types of lighting. Therefore, less lights are needed over the same area.

Is LED Retrofit The Right Solution For You?

Is LED Lighting Right for Your Workspace?

If you are looking to benefit from lower energy usage along with better quality lighting, then an LED retrofit is your best option. Between the savings, increased productivity and available rebates, many businesses see a return on their investment in as little as two years.

The benefits of better lighting however, are noticeable right away and many of our clients tell us that if they had realized the difference that LEDs were going to make in light quality alone, they would have done their retrofit sooner.

What Our Customers Say

At Daisy Energy, we are expert energy consultants. We’ll work with you to determine the best opportunities for your business, and help you implement them to ensure future success.