4 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Business’ Carbon Footprint
So, you’ve reviewed your company’s energy usage and performed the math to determine your business’ carbon footprint. Now that you know what it is, it’s time to look into making some improvements to that calculation! Here are four easy ways to reduce your business’ carbon footprint: 1. Implement More Energy Efficient Lighting and Lighting Controls […]
How to Easily Calculate Your Business’ Carbon Footprint
Each and every human being can take an essential role in keeping the environment as clean as possible. Due to their size, businesses have the ability to make an even bigger positive impact. That’s why it’s vital that as a company owner, you take the time to realize what type of emissions your business’ operation […]
LEDs a Bright Idea: A Few of the Benefits that LED Lighting Has to Offer Your Workplace!
Everybody wants to know how much you can save by switching to LED lighting! Before we delve into that, however, let’s take a look at a few of the other benefits. Did you know that cost savings is just ONE of the many benefits that LED lights have to offer your workplace? And what if […]
Lighting Retrofit: What it is and Why You Should Consider It?
If you’ve never heard the term “lighting retrofit” before, it may seem that you probably don’t need one! This couldn’t be further from the truth. In simple terms, a lighting retrofit is when you upgrade your existing energy wasting light fixtures and/or bulbs with hyper-efficient LED lights. Why on earth would you want to do […]
U.S. trade antics no match for low-carbon manufacturers
Paul Rak on the floor of his VeriForm Inc. metal fabricating plant in Cambridge, Ont. (VERIFORM INC.) What do the Trump tariffs on Canadian aluminum and steel, announced last week, have to do with the transition to a low-carbon economy? When it comes to my steel fabrication company in Cambridge, Ont., quite a bit actually. The […]
Energy Saving Tips for Commercial and Industrial Buildings
1. Changing Shifts to Avoid Peak Energy Costs(8) In Ontario, there are three time-of-use periods (peaks) for energy demand. Off-Peak: Demand is low. Less expensive electricity sources are used Mid-Peak: Cost and demand of energy are moderate On-Peak: Demand is highest and more expensive production methods are used In the winter, there are two daily […]
LEDs Then vs Now
LED lighting wasn’t always the obvious choice for all your lighting needs. However, improvements over the past few years have changed that. To reiterate some points from the Retrofit section of our website, LEDs reduce your lighting and energy costs, have reduced environmental impact and positively influence mood and attentiveness. But many people still cringe […]
The LED Market Today
Positive results from surveys show a growing desire for more use of LED lights in and outside of businesses, homes, and in public areas (such as parking lots, parks, and even along city streets). There are several areas in which LED lights are far superior to conventional lighting: Durability – failure rates continue to hover […]
What To Expect From Your LED Lighting Upgrade
Conduct Detailed Lighting Audit If you are considering upgrading to LED lighting for your building here are some things to look for from your supplier to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your upgrade. Each building is unique and it is important that your supplier take the time to understand your operation and particular needs so […]
A Walkthrough of a Typical Residential Solar PV Install
Having spent the last six-plus years designing and installing solar PV and other renewable energy systems I often forget that the vast majority of my friends or people that I meet have no idea about what’s actually involved in having solar panels installed on your roof. I am reminded of this when I talk about […]