Myths and Facts About LED Lighting

led lights in manufacturing

If you are considering retrofitting your home or commercial building with LED lighting, chances are you have a lot of questions. You will likely be gathering as much information as you can both from the internet and perhaps from people you know. And while there is an abundance of information available, there is also a lot of misinformation out there as well. So, in this article, we are going to separate some of the LED facts from the myths.

Myth #1: LEDs don’t give off enough light.

Fact: You can get just as much light from an LED bulb as you can from a traditional light bulb with the main difference being that you will be using far less energy. For example, a 7w LED can give you as much light as a traditional 60w incandescent bulb.

Myth #2: It is very expensive to switch to LED lighting.

Fact: When LEDs first became widely commercially available, they were expensive, but the price has come down considerably since then. And while there is an initial investment for retrofitting, LED lighting can pay for itself within a few years because of substantial energy savings as well as the fact that LEDs last longer and will have to be changed less often. Furthermore, in some cases, you may even qualify for a government grant to help you make the switch.

Myth #3: LEDs give off a poor light quality.

Fact: Early commercial LEDs were known for having a bluish tinge to them, but today LEDs are widely available in warmer shades. The way that light quality is measured compared to daylight is through a scale called the Colour Rendering Index (CRI) and LED lighting tends to measure between 75-85 on that scale which is quite good. Compared to fluorescent tubes which are found in many offices, LED’s produce better quality light which results in less eye strain and higher productivity for employees.

Myth #4: LEDs contain dangerous materials.

Fact: In terms of their contents, LEDs are much safer than fluorescent lighting. LEDs are made without toxic substances such as lead and mercury. They are also 100% recyclable.

Myth #5: LEDs are more sensitive to vibration.

Fact: Because LEDs do not have any moving parts or filaments, they are less sensitive to vibration. LEDs are very durable, and in some cases, even exceed military standards.

Myth #6: LEDs require time to warm up.

Fact: Unlike fluorescent lights that can start out dim and take some time to reach their full brightness, LEDs become fully bright almost immediately after turning them on.

Myth #7: LEDs don’t work well in very cold temperatures.

Fact: Actually, the opposite is true. LEDs run even more efficiently in cold environments. And the fact that they stay much cooler than other forms of lighting makes them ideal for lighting environments that have to be kept cool.

Whether you are considering retrofitting your entire commercial building or just want to know more about using LEDs in your home, it is important to know the facts. If you have further questions about LEDs, we’d be happy to speak with you. Contact Daisy Energy today.