The Future of Electrical Power Generation – Does Solar PV Make Economic Sense?

solar panels on white

Our planet’s future energy sources have been a frequent topic in conversations. Scientists, politicians, and most likely your next door neighbor have commented on the ever growing issue of diminishing non-renewable energy sources, the impact of burning fossil fuels and the changes that lie ahead in converting our energy supply to renewables. It is apparent […]

Exploring How to Transition to a More Sustainable Lifestyle

woman and son on electric scooter

What is sustainability? When someone tells you they’re trying to make sustainable choices … what does that even mean? We think we know because it’s so commonly used in today’s environmentally aware culture, but have we really broken it down? Are you being as sustainable as you can be? Definition of Sustainability That’s a lot […]

A message to all our clients and supporters from Daisy Energy Inc.

BEE Smart Program

We are all aware now that 2020 is not turning out the way any of us had planned. Not even close! Here at Daisy Energy, we were excited to be introducing new services and products focusing on renewable energy, sustainability and help for the planet through the BEE Smart Energy recognition program. Then came March […]

Energy Saving Tips for Commercial and Industrial Buildings

1. Changing Shifts to Avoid Peak Energy Costs(8) In Ontario, there are three time-of-use periods (peaks) for energy demand. Off-Peak: Demand is low. Less expensive electricity sources are used Mid-Peak: Cost and demand of energy are moderate On-Peak: Demand is highest and more expensive production methods are used In the winter, there are two daily […]

The Latest Green Energy Technologies

Here are some of the cool new technologies I have come across that are available to save money and energy while helping reduce our impact on the planet. I like to keep informed of what is available and I hope you find this of interest as well. Daylighting, Using the sun for indoor light The […]

A Look at Locally Sourced Sustainable Energy

sustainable energy

The local food movement has been around for some time and is gaining popularity. There are many benefits and no real downside. Ontario offers numerous farmers who provide their local areas with; fresh produce, honey, dairy and meat. Supporting local businesses not only grows the local economy, it is highly beneficial to the health of […]